Mere Way
Connecting Waterbeach to Cambridge Science Park and beyond
Connecting communities
Mere Way is a key part of the vision to provide robust sustainable transport connections from day one to support the development of Waterbeach Barracks, as well as providing benefits to the surrounding area.
The improvements will help connect communities by providing an important active travel route between Waterbeach and Landbeach, to Cambridge Science Park and beyond – for existing and future users.
Improvement works: What will
be delivered
The design takes on board as much of the feedback from the variety of current Mere Way neighbours and users as possible, respects the heritage and ecology of this important route, is fully compliant with the national and local policies as well as technical guidance on surfaces and widths for the different types of use, and responds to the safety reviews undertaken.
Crucially, we feel that the design futureproofs the importance of this route for this next chapter in its rich history.
Mere Way Route
Phasing and timing:
How it will be delivered
The route will be completed in two phases. The first phase of the route, to Green End in Landbeach has been completed and is open and useable. The second phase of the route which connects to Waterbeach will begin in 2025, with the bridge over the A10 due to open in Spring 2026.
During the construction period we have an independent health and safety advisor carrying out regular checks on the safety of control measures put in place by our contractor.
If you have any questions about these works in the meantime, please get in touch by calling 01223 622533 or emailing

Background to the route
The design and delivery of the upgraded Mere Way route has put heritage, ecology and the needs of the communities that use it at the heart of the process, and the team and all our partners have worked hard to get the balance right between issues and users that sometimes have very different needs.
Extensive consultation has been carried out over the past three years, including discussions with Waterbeach and Landbeach Parish Councils, district councillors, the Local Access Forum, and representatives from walking, cycling and equestrian groups. Residents and wider users were also consulted and had an opportunity to feedback their comments through an online consultation. Click here to see a full list of who was spoken to through the consultation process.
Key changes following feedback
A wide range of differing views were received, and the design team incorporated the needs of diverse user groups where possible, whilst taking into consideration the ecology and heritage along this important historic route, as well as safety requirements.
Click here to see the table of key amendments made in response to discussion and feedback.
Due to the historic nature of the route, which has links back to the Romans, and the trees and hedges along the route, the team also worked closely with heritage and ecology partners to devise a design and approach that minimises the impact on the existing route. This included surveys of the habitats and species found along the route to protect and enhance them.
Since submission of the plans in March 2022, they have been through rigorous technical and safety reviews with the County Council Highways Team – as well as further discussions with user groups – and the final designs and implementation plans have now been approved.
We will continue to talk to the community as we deliver this route, to ensure it serves local users as well as future residents at Waterbeach, effectively and safely, and to deliver on our commitments to ensure these connections are in place for early residents who will be moving in later this year.